Sunday, August 26, 2007

Channel Commands

Using the Network

+C (block CTCP) This umode prevents you from receiving personal CTCP messages or sending any CTCP replies. This will stop private CTCP flooding. You'll still receive CTCP messages sent to a channel you are on, although the network will block your response to them.
+e (identified user) You have identified yourself to NickServ.
+E (block unidentified) This umode does not currently function on freenode. Private messages from unregistered users are blocked by default. Registered users can turn off this blocking mechanism via the command
/msg nickserv set unfiltered on
+i (invisible) This prevents you from appearing in global WHO/WHOIS by normal users, and hides which channels you are on. It is strongly recommended that you set this umode.
+I (block invite) This umode prevents anybody from inviting you to a channel. Running with this option can be used to block invite flooding, but it also limits you to channels for which no invitation is required.
+Q (no forwarding) This umode prevents you from being forwarded to another channel because of channel mode +f (see below) or by a ban (see +b below). Instead of being forwarded to another channel, you'll be given a message as to why you could not join.
+w (see wallops) This umode lets you see the wallops announcement system. Important network messages will be sent out via global notices; this is only for noncritical announcements and comments which may be of interest.

The following is a list of hyperion-ircd 1.0 channel modes. Where a feature is currently described as experimental, network staff may need to enable the feature for your channel.

+b (channel ban) Bans take one parameter, either in the form +b nick!user@host, or in the experimental form, +b nick!user@host!#channel. The wildcards * and ? are allowed, matching zero-or-more, and exactly-one characters respectively. The masks will be trimmed to fit the maximum allowable length for the relevant element, with wildcards added as appropriate to ensure that they still match.

Without a !#channel, the mask causes any matching user to be prohibited from sending to the channel, knocking, or joining. Having +v set on them on the channel overrides the prohibition on sending.

If the mask has a channel name specified and the channel has +F set, then in all situations where the user would previously have been told they could not join the channel, they will instead join the channel named in the ban mask, and be sent a 470 numeric describing the forward.
+c (color filter) This cmode activates the colour filter for the channel. This filters out bold, underline, reverse video, beeps, mIRC colour codes, and ANSI escapes. Note that escape sequences will usually leave cruft sent to the channel, just without the escape characters themselves.
+d (realname ban) This mode takes one parameter, a mask which is matched against the so-called "Real Name" field each client supplies, and prevents any matching clients from sending to the channel or joining it. It accepts the standard * and ? wildcards.
+e (ban exemption) This mode takes one parameter of the form nick!user@host, with the usual wildcards, which overrides +b, +q and +d bans for all clients it matches.
+f (forward on uninvited) This experimental feature is specified with some channel name #foo. When specified on a +i channel (invite-only), users who try to join the channel and are not in the invite-only exemption list (+I) are automatically sent to channel #foo. Clients receive a 470 numeric message which lists the original and the target channels.
+g (allow anybody to invite) With this mode set, anybody in the channel is allowed to invite others (using the /invite command) to the channel. If this mode is not set, /invite is limited to channel operators
+i (invite-only) No client can join this channel unless they are listed in the invite exemption list (+I).
+I (invite-only exemption) This mode takes a parameter of the form nick!user@host with the usual wildcards. When the channel is invite-only, clients which match entries in this list can join the channel whether invited or not.
+j (jupe channel) This mode is used by freenode staff to prevent a channel from being used.
+J (join throttling) This mode takes one parameter of the form "x,y", where x and y are positive integers. These two integers control the rate at which users may join the channel. The limit is roughly y users every x*y seconds, but the algorithm allows for bursts.

More precisely, a counter is maintained which is incremented by one for every user that successfully joins the channel, and decremented by one every x seconds. When the counter is equal to limit, no more users may join.

It is highly recommended that your channel use this mode to prevent aganist bot attacks (observe the average join rate of your channel and pick a good value for +J). If you also use +f (see above), you can forward users who are throttled to another channel (e.g. #overflow).
+k (channel password) This mode sets up a channel password. To enter the channel, you must specify the password on your JOIN command.
+l (join limit) Specified with a numeric value, this mode limits the number of users who can join your channel.
+L (large ban/exempt/invex lists) This mode, which can only be set my freenode staff, allows a channel to have longer than normal ban, exempt, and invex lists.
+m (moderated) When a channel is set +m, only users with +o or +v on the channel can send to it.
+n (prevent external send) Users outside the channel may not send messages to it.
+p (deprecated) Traditionally, this option made a channel "private," i.e., users could see it on a channel listing as but could not see the channel name or the members. This mode is synonymous with +s.
+P (permanent channel) This mode is an experimental feature which currently may only be set by freenode staff. Once set, the channel will not be deleted when it becomes empty. Additionally, the +b, +e and +I lists have higher capacity to make channel forwarding easier. NOTE: In hyperion-ircd 1.0, permanent channels can still be erased by catastrophic network failures.
+q (quiet user) This mode works like +b (ban user), but instead simply quiets the user. It is currently equivalent to a +b whose masked is prefaced by the percent sign (for example, "+b %foo" is equivalent to "+q foo").
+Q (block forwarded users) Users will not be able to be forwarded (see +f above) to a channel with +Q.
+r (block unidentified) This mode prevents users who are not identified with NickServ from joining the channel. Users will receive a server notice explaining this if they try to join.
+R (quiet unidentified) This mode prevents users who are not identified with NickServ from speaking in the channel. Users will receive a server notice explaining this if they try to speak.
+s (secret channel) This channel will not appear on channel lists or WHO or WHOIS output unless you are on it.
+t (only ops can change topic) When +t is set, only channel operators may modify the topic of the channel. This mode is recommended in larger, more public channels to protect the integrity of the topic.
+z (reduced moderation) When +z is set, the effects of +b, +q, and +m are relaxed. For each message, if that message would normally be blocked by one of these modes, it is instead sent to all the users who are currently set +o (channel operator). This is intended for use in moderated debates.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Cometstyles Blogs:

Hello, I'm an editor on Wikipedia and also a member of freenode blog .
I'm from the Fiji Islands and I'm 21 years old :) . I'm mostly found on my IRC Channel:
I have been a member of Wikipedia for nearly 7 months :)